Home 2016 4(76), 2016
Viktor E. Lir
PhD in Economics, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine”.
Address: 01011, Ukraine, Kyiv, 26 Panas Myrniy Str.
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Informative and organizational aspects of forming and monitoring energy balance of Ukraine
Section: Problems of development strategy and financial-economic regulation of industry
Ekon. promisl. 2016, 76(4): 5-21
Language: Ukrainian

European experience of forming national energy balances is generalized. Certain problems of improvement of energy statistics at international level in connection with the processes of energy markets liberalization are determined. The basic requirements in relation to the implementation of European principles of transparency, credibility and comparability of accounting of fuel and energy resources in Ukraine in the context of integration of energy markets are outlined. The efficiency of the institutional support for energy resources accounting and process of forming of energy resources balance of Ukraine is analyzed. The factors causing subzero authenticity of the data on forming energy balance of the country are determined. The fact of the existence of disparity of informative, energy and financial streams all-round the logistic contour of the system of energy providing is set. It is wellproven that authenticity of accounting of energy streams in the state is the substantial factor of increasing the energy efficiency of economy. The informative and organizational mechanism of improving the process of forming the energy balance of the country through the establishment of the single state system of monitoring of production, supply, transporting, consumption and payment for fuel and energy resources is offered and its expediency is grounded.

energy markets, energy balance, eurointegration, accounting of energy resources, monitoring system, information technologies, energy efficiency.

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